Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
The Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program supports unique opportunities for high-achieving and underachieving pupils who are identified as gifted and talented. By state definition, gifted students are pupils who possess a capacity for excellence far beyond that of their chronological peers. This capacity includes many and varied characteristics that require modifications of curriculum and instruction. These modifications form the basis of gifted and talented educational services.
The San Diego Unified School District serves the gifted students within the district through two options:
The Seminar program for the highly gifted and,
The Cluster program for gifted and high ability students.
San Diego Unified School District is committed to a school environment that fosters achievement and the realization of each student's potential. This belief in the possibility of individual excellence and unique achievement and belief in the school's responsibility for fostering both is the basis of the GATE program.
For more information on parent and student opportunities, please visit the district's GATE website.
Field Elementary GATE Program
The identified GATE students at Field Elementary are serviced through the second option known as the cluster program. All GATE students are grouped in clusters and placed in classrooms where the teachers hold GATE certification. All students in second grade are administered the a GATE assessment by the school psychologist for identification. Select students in grades 3 through 5 may also be tested. If you would like more information on this testing process please contact the school office at (858) 800-5900.
Additional enrichment opportunities for our GATE and GATE Cluster students also exist outside of the classroom through our Odyssey of the Mind program. Please call Field Elementary for further information at 858-800-5900.